About us

If you landed here it’s probably because you have some sort of ache or pain. Maybe you’re embarrassed by your forward head and the hump on the back of your neck, and just can’t stop slouching. You don’t know what to do or who to ask for help.

Regardless how you got here, I’m glad you found us. By the time most people find us, they’ve often tried various exercises that didn’t work; seen their doctor who offered medication they didn’t want, and had treatment that didn’t work. Sadly, when they look in the mirror they see no real change.

If that is you, I feel your pain. You’re definitely in the right place now!

What is posture?

To understand the information you find on this website, you should understand my definition of posture. Quite simply, I like to think of posture as your body’s position.  What ever position you are in right now – slouching in front of your computer, looking down at your phone, or lying on your couch – that is your current position or posture.

Your body’s position is powerfully influenced by the the effort you exert (or don’t exert) and its reaction to gravity, and the everyday stresses and strains we place upon it, from our activities of daily living.

What is good posture?

Human beings are bilaterians, meaning that our bodies are symmetrical: the left side is the mirror image of the right (two kidneys, two eyes, two legs, two ears, etc. – one on each side). This symmetry is part of nature’s clever design.

When our body position (posture) is optimal, the body is in an ideal state of balance, requiring minimal energy to remain upright, well balanced and mobile. Compressive forces are spread evenly over the body’s joints, so that the stress on individual bones, discs and connective tissues is minimal and body movement is efficient.

What is bad posture?

We can think of bad posture, as a loss of ideal symmetry. A small loss is probably no great concern, but a large difference left-to-right or front-to-back often results in muscular aches, back pain, joint stresses and strains, and premature aging in the form of osteoarthritis.

Medical studies continue to show a direct correlation between poor posture and poor health, with such ill effects as reduced lung capacity, headaches, poor digestion, neurological changes and a decline in confidence and self-esteem.

Meet our Posture Doctor, Paula

I’ve been helping people correct their posture for over 20 years now – If you are interested, you can read my entire story.

The biggest mistake I see health professionals make when addressing posture is they use a functional approach to correct a structural problem. A functional approach focused mainly on pain and symptoms but when the treatment ends, the symptoms usually return, because the underlying cause hasn’t been addressed – the structural alignment of the body and spine. 

Chiropractic BioPhysics of posture (CBP)

CBP provides a structural approach to correcting body symmetry, emphasizing optimal posture and spinal alignment as the primary goal.

CBP uses a mathematical analysis (my first degree was in mathematics, so this was a good fit for me) of the body and all spinal x-rays, combined with appropriate rehabilitation exercise and traction.

CBP is developing a strong research base as evidence for the reliability of its treatment methods grows.